Capture d’écran 2021-01-08 à 10.09.42

Data circulation is fundamental for all modern organizations as it generates considerable business benefits, new services, and ground-breaking innovations. However, there is no data circulation without trust.

The challenge for all organizations is how to foster trust using the appropriate framework. Data-driven organizations need a trusted and secure environment to facilitate data access, accelerate data exchanges and boost data circulation all while gathering trust from its participants.

To optimize and scale the flow of data, here are some trust-focused questions to address:

  • How are trust and data circulation so closely connected?
  • How can Data Exchange environments help reinforce trust?
  • Why has trust gained a new level of importance during the COVID-19 pandemic?

    Get the answer to these questions in “The next technology yardstick is trust”, the new installment of our Data Exchange Explained series!